How to Make a Loan Offer

A loan offer is a proposal extended by a lender outlining loan terms, including principal, APR, due date, and optional origination fee. Learn how to submit a loan offer on GONDI V3.

Every loan originated at GONDI requires a borrower to accept a lender's offer. For more details on what loan offers are, visit Loan Offers.

Loan Offer Options

GONDI offers lenders two ways to submit a loan offer:

  1. Standard Loan Offers: Offers made to a specific NFT (or a vault with multiple NFTs) listed on GONDI. Go to section

  2. Collection Loan Offers: Offers targeting whitelisted collections that borrowers can accept at any time using an NFT from that collection as collateral. Go to section

Let’s begin with standard loan offers in the next section.

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