Security & Audits

GONDI V3 Audit:

  • Halborn

  • Quantstamp

  • 0xQuit

  • Qckhp

GONDI V2 Audit:

  • Quanstamp

  • 0xFoobar

  • 0xQuit

GONDI V1 Audit:

  • Trail of Bits

  • CertiK

Reporting Bugs & Exploits

If you believe to have found an exploit, no matter how small, please contact us on Discord by creating a private ticket. Security is our top priority and we will reward all users who find bugs according to the severity of the finding.

GONDI V3 Audits:

All our deployed contracts have been audited by: Code4Arena, Halborn, 0xQuit, and Qckhp.

GONDI V2 Audits:

All our deployed contracts have been audited by: Quantstamp, 0xFoobar & 0xQuit.

GONDI V1 Audits:

All our deployed contracts have been audited by Trail of Bits and CertiK

Last updated